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Emanuele Garone

Photograph of Prof. Emanuele Garone
Prof. Emanuele Garone
Chargé de Cours (Assistant Professor)
Faculté des Sciences Appliquées/école Polytechnique
Université Libre de Bruxelles

Control of Robots - MATH-H-509 (2011/2012)
Slides Lecture 1 Slides

Slides Lecture 1 Slides Slides Lyapunov

Slides Lecture 3 Slides

Slides Lecture 4 Slides

Slides Lecture 5 Slides

Slides Lecture 6 Slides

TextBook Sciavicco, Siciliano, Villani, Oriolo. Robotics, Springer

Control of Robots - MATH-H-509 (2010/2011)
Motion Control Lecture Notes ATTENTION: Not updated anymore !

e-mail: egarone@ulb.ac.be

Last updated 04/05/2010